2024.11.1 fri – 11.17 sun
個展のタイトルにもなった作品「THE TORCH AND SEEDS」は、種を蒔いてから花が咲くまでの時間と、未来の自分や大切な誰かに宛てた手紙が宛先に届くまでの時間を重ね、時の流れや季節の移ろい、そして、日々静かに変化し続ける自然や自分自身に想いを馳せるコンセプチュアルワークです。
会場内に設けられたポストに手紙を投函すると、須田が活動する畑「Farm Garden」にチューリップの球根が植えられます。皆さんが書いた手紙は、そのチューリップが咲く来春に、須田によるコラージュ作品とともに宛先に届けられます。
This exhibition takes as its starting point ideas Suda has conceived in her sustained relationship with plants, and will explore the possibilities of encounter and dialogue through photographs and installations.
The title piece “THE TORCH AND SEEDS,” associates the time between the sowing of a seed and the blooming of a flower with the time it takes for a letter to reach its destination, addressed to a future self or someone important, to reflect on the passage of time, the changing seasons, and the daily quiet changes in nature and ourselves.
If you post your letter to the postbox set up at the venue, a tulip bulb will be planted in the “Farm Garden,” a field where Suda is based. Your letter will be delivered with Suda’s collage work to the recipient next spring around the time when the tulips bloom.