O p e n G a r d e n P r o j e c t

庭 は 自 分 が 自 分 に な れ る 場 所
The Garden Allows You to Be Yourself
When you touch the soil,
you feel free from all pressures and constraints.
In this garden,
The presence of small insects
that we usually overlook,
The smell of the wind announcing the seasons,
The universe inside the soil uncovered
when you turn over a log,
Reminds us once again that we humans are
part of nature.
Open Garden Projectは、SHO Farmの一角に設えたFarm Gardenで2021年から活動してきた桜山植物園が主宰する、開かれた学びの場を作る試みです。
The Open Garden Project is an initiative to create a place for open learning, designed by Sakurayama Botanical Studio, which has been active in the Farm Garden set up in the corner of SHO Farm since 2021.
By gathering and cooperating to cultivate plants and flowers, we aim to create a space where people become more aware of the cycles of plants and nature, learn together, and share precious time.

The garden is a place where you can be yourself. I hope to create a space where we can enjoy and learn together, treasuring our individualities and sense of wonder.

桜山植物園は、植物を楽しむ他に、教育や研究、市⺠の憩いの場に繋がる開かれた活動をイメージして名付けられました。今後の新たな展開として、自由参加型の花栽培 Farm Gardenに加え、以下のことに取り組んでいきます。
1. Farm Gardenの収穫物を使った体験や、様々な分野の専門家を招いたイベントを定期的に開催し、気づく力や学ぶ意欲を深める仕組みをつくります。
2. 環境再生のための栽培方法を学び実践することで、人間、虫や動物、そして 土地を含むあらゆるものが尊重され、安心できる活動場所を作ることを目指します。

The project name “Sakurayama Botanical Studio” represents the founder Sayuri Suda’s hope that it would become an open practice for education, research, and recreation, as well as for the enjoyment of plants. In addition to the voluntary flower-growing activities called Farm Garden, the project is planning the following new activities.
- We create a system to deepen participants’ awareness and motivation to learn through hands-on experiences using the harvest from the Farm Garden and regular events inviting experts in various fields.
2. By learning and practicing cultivation methods for environmental restoration, we aim to create a safer place of activity where humans, insects, animals, the land and any possible actor are respected.
To this end, we will actively incorporate the followings into the events associated with this project:
・Learning and practicing no-till and pesticide-free cultivation
・Reducing the use of plastics
・Returning food and flower waste from activities to the soil by using compost.
・Utilization of reusable materials.
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E a r l y S u m m e r
P i c n i c D a y
w i t h M E A L S
For the first session, we invited Haruka Ueda, a Hayama-based caterer working under the name of MEALS, to talk about food, her work, and what was in her mind. Both of us were not used to speaking in front of an audience, but once we started a conversation, it was surprising how quickly we reached our scheduled closing time. I was surprised to find myself thinking that I still had more to say. The fundamental reason why she cooks is because she wants to serve to protect the global environment. Focusing on problems associated with the global environment as her own issues, she thinks, makes choices, works, and lives. I am sure participants were empowered by her honest attitude and words. Blessed with beautiful weather, I myself was able to exchange words with those who gathered at the farm while seeing the flowers and grasses blowing in the pleasant breeze. There were many precious moments when a second seemed even longer than usual.
Guest | @mealsnaturalfood
Location | @sho__farm
Coffee | @daisuke_mskd / @__mgm02
Interior | @takahiro_yoshii4
Photography | @kakizakigo
Flower | @sakurayama_shokubutsuen

C a l l f o r l o c a l
F l o w e r s / H e r b s / F o l i a g e
D o n a t i o n s
< 寄 付 の お 願 い >
草 花 を 提 供 い た だ け る 方 を募 集 し て い ま す

Flowers | 花

Herbs | ハーブ

Foliage | 草木
F a r m G a r d e n D i a r y


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21’ 夕暮れの畑で花摘みと花いけの会


22′ 夕暮れの畑で花と野菜を楽しむ会
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SHO Farmで採れた野菜を使い、

Photography by Go Kakizaki
Paintings by Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck
Translation by Shinichro Sato
T o b e c o n t i n u e d …